Reclaiming lost digital sovereignty. Gartner reaffirms our innovation

Gartner has recently published the Gartner Hype Cycle for Blockchain and Web3,2022, by Avivah Litan, one of the best blockchain expert analysts of the consultancy.  In it, she cites us as a technology company with tangible success stories where we use Blockchain technology for digital identity.

The Gartner Hype Cycle is a graphical representation in the form of a curve that shows the maturity and adoption of technologies and apps and how they are potentially relevant to solving real business problems and seizing new opportunities. 

In this case, it is about the curve for blockchain and web 3.0 technology, which is not an easy topic due to its disruption not only in technological, but also in economic, social and legal aspects. New vectors come into play and the decentralisation of structures and systems is the cornerstone. 

Resource: Gartner

Evolution of the current identity system – Definitive ID®

Users have lost control over their data and blockchain is finally moving towards decentralised digital identity. The exponential growth of users leads to a further increase in identity fraud and the dispersion of personal data as well as the loss of digital sovereignty.  

It is time to evolve the current system of identities, endless passwords and insecure databases. 

Following the standards set by new regulations such as eIDAS2 and W3C protocols, evolved and decentralised identities are promising in the not so distant medium term. 

Private initiatives will be the driving force behind the technology, which in turn will drive and accelerate the necessary regulatory frameworks and of course bring killer cases to the market without delay!  

Wise Security Global is on the crest of the wave with Definitve ID® and as an example of companies bringing real and tangible cases to market with blockchain technology, more specifically, with decentralised digital identity based on Alastria ID.

Definitive ID® success stories

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